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Date Posted August 4, 2023
News Title Joanne & Jim's Grand Representatives 2023-2024
Posted By Patti Rhinesmith
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Arizona - Robin Bernice, #205/31
Connecticut - Adair Ruane, #159/35
Delaware - Donna Wagenheim, #95/31
District of Columbia - Kathy Haughy, #257/#38
Idaho - Sarah Sambucini, #251/34
Indiana - Beth Willer, #205/31    
Kansas - Matthew Macready, #155/36
Kentucky - Jim Boulger, #201/#37

Louisiana - Suzanne Hutchinson, #258/#38
Maine - Theresa Casper, #121/#31
Manitoba - Bobbie Bechtal, #201/#37
Maryland - Sheila Sugar, #38/#39
Massachusetts - Marie Clonan, #159/35
Michigan - Joan Kelly-Witzig, #58/33
Minnesota - Margo Mathis, #257/38
Mississippi - Kathy Zielinski, #140/37
Missouri - Linda Percy, #155/36
Nevada - Charlene Ottaviano, #201/37
New Brunswick - Drew Jardine, #183/33
New Hampshire - Mary Ellen Thoren, #50/39
New York - Joan Sharma, #159/#31
Ontario - Elaine Meehan, #143/#34
Philippines - Carole Enterkind, #155/36
(Brand new Grand Jurisdiction)
Sao Pablo, Brazil - Lauren Plasket, #83/36
Saskatewan - Linda Gentert, #201/37
South Dakota - Katherine Robinson, #276/38
Utah - Sabrina Busico, #198/34
Vermont - Cindy Sheldon, #54/#35
Virginia - Cathy Sardis, #58/33
Wisconsin - Dawn Shellock, #140/37

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