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Editor's Notes | Receptions/District Meetings | Upcoming Dates |Health Announcements | Sorrow | Grand Chapter Announcements
Good News | Chapter Fundraisers | General Information | Charity Foundation News | OES Home News |

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Editor's Notes

Posting Requests to  Patti L Rhinesmith, RWG Secretary at NewJersey.OESGC@gmail.com   
GC Ofc 908-725-0222

Notary services are available, please call Grand Chaper Office for assistance. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please contact Lorraine Altimus if you are interested in putting any photos on the website. 

Sister Lorraine Altimus, PGO will be serving as photographer this year.  If you are looking to have pictures taken for the Grand Matron and Grand Patron's memory books, please contact her at your earliest convenience.  Her contact information is in the Official List Book. 

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Voluntary donation envelopes for 2024-2025 were in the Fall Star Journal.  Please support Voluntary Donations, and mail your check to the chairman, Carole Enterkine, or Ginny Dickinson.  As the Chapter Secretaries will not be mailing them out this year. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *

One Call

Sign up for One Call - Expires 5/31 of each year.   Cost is $10.00

ONE CALL NOW.2024.docx

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

All "Star Journal" issues, current and past can be found on the NJOES home page, under the information tab.

There are two issues printed yearly, March and September.

The new issue is currently at print, and should be out within the next few weeks.  You will find it on the information bar on the front page of the website when available.

Aug 28, 2023 Grand Representative of New Jersey Newsletter



August 2024

Letter from the MWGM and MWGP 2024-2025

2024 - September letter (1).pdf

Sept. 23rd GOWN BOUTIQUE - February 15, 2025

There will be another Gown Boutique on February 15, 2025 at Atlas Chapter from 8am to 2pm to benefit the NJ Eastern Star Home..  Continue to save your gowns, and they can be brought the day of the sale. 

Gown Boutique_Flyer_Feb 2025 (003).pdf

Receptions and District Meetings
May 19th-21st 154th "Love Makes the World Go Round" Grand Session
Grand Session to be held at:  Tropicana Hotel, 2831 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ 

More Information will be posted, when it becomes available.

The link for reservations at Grand Session is: 


        Room Reservations  -  888-516-2215 (8am-2am EST, 7 days a week)

        Group name:                Order of the Eastern Star 2025

        Group code:                 ST05ES5

        ***All callers will be asked for this code but can also book by saying ** Order of Eastern Star 25**



        Attach the link below to your website or just forward to anyone who prefers booking online:



If there are any questions or problems when you register for your room, please contact Diana and Emil Affsa. 

Update 1/14/2025
Flyers for Grand Session have been mailed out to Chapter Secretaries.  Attached you will find the flyers for 2025 Grand Session.  Tentative Schedule, Meal Plan, Membership Dinner and the Grand Representatives Luncheon.

2025 - GS Tentative Schedule(1).pdf

2025 Meal Plan.pdf
2025 Membership dinner flyer r2 (1).pdf
LUNCHEON FLYER - Globetrotters Grand Representatives of NJ OES 1.pdf

March 25th

Celebration of Lisa Crank, WDD #37
You are invited to attend the celebration of Sister Lisa Crank on Tuesday March 25th, at 6:30pm.  Light refreshments will be served.  Attire:  Business Casual.  RSVP by March 18th, to Pat Murschell.  cpmurschell@comcast.net



March 22nd 35th District Meeting
The Mariner's of the 35th District welcome you to attending their District Meeting on Saturday, March 22, 2025, at Harmony Lodge, Toms River, NJ  12:30pm Luncheon, 1:30pm District Meeting.  Cost $30.00, Send reservations to Cathy Fusaro, and make checks payable to Renee Gresko.   Seating is Limited, so make your reservations early.

Flyer attached
35th District meeting flyer.pdf

March 1st Morning Star #22 - Rose-Pinning for MaryElaine Guynn, Right Worthy Associate Grand Matron
Her 5 year mission:  To explore new districts, To seek out the right man for the role, To distinguish him with a Rose, Share the news with our world, and boldly continue her voyage to the Grand East.  Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 12:00 Noon, at Stone Terrace by John Henry's, Hamilton, NJ.  RSVP to Jennifer Bonelli. 

Rose Pin 3-1-25 invite.pdf

We have found a mistake in the meal selections for Rose Pinning.
It is NOT Baked Chicken with Tomatoes and Capers.

It IS Baked Herb Roasted Half Chicken.

Feb 27th Gloria #159 - Honor night for WG Esther and GR of Washington
Honor Night celebrating Gloria Chapter's Grand Officers.  Sister Dale Van Houten, WG Ester, and Dawn Betts, GR of Washington on Thursday February 27th at 6:30pm, cost $10.00.  reservations by January 31st to Jessica Walton, starbuck1332@comcast.net.

  Athene #201 - Celebration to honor WG Organist, GR of Manitoba, GR of Nevada, GR of Saskatchewan, and GR of Kentucky
You are cordially invited to attend a celebration day to honor Pamela DeLisa, WG Organist,  Bobbie Bechtel, GR of Manitoba, Charlene Ottaviano, GR of Nevada, Linda Gentert, GR of Saskatchewan and James Boulger, III GR of Kentucky on February 23, 2025 at 2pm, Cost $25.00.  Make checks payable to Athene Chapter #201, and Submit to Isabella Cooper.  email danniszcooper@verizon.net.


February 19th Bordentown Chapter #258 - Reception for WG Martha, GR of District of Columbia, GR of Louisiana and GR of Minnesota
You are cordially invited to a reception for Melissa Peterson, WG Martha, Kathy Haughey, GR of District of Columbia, Suzanne Hutinson, GR of Luisiana, and Margo Mattis, GR of Minnesota on February 19th, 2025 at 6:30pm at Burlington Lodge.  Subscription $25.00.  Menu: Meat Loaf, Mashed Potates, and Vegtables.  RSVP to Barbara Helfrey by February 12, 2025.

Upcoming Dates  -- see Chapter & District Fundraisers below
June 1, 2023 UPCOMING DATES - 2024-2025

     February 14th - Happy Valentines Day
     February 15th - Gown Boutique
     February 16th - Victorian Rose Tea
     February 17th - Ocean #214 - Top #3 & Birthday Night
     February 19th - Bordentown #257 - Reception - WG Martha, GR District of Columbia,
                                  GR Louisiana, GR Minnesota
     February 22 - GRANJ Meeting - Location TBA
     February 23rd - Athene #201 - Celebration - WG Organist, GR Mantioba, GR Saskatewan,
                                   GR Nevada

     February 27th - Home Board meeting
     February 27th - Gloria #159 - Honor night - WG Esther, GR Washington
     February 28th - Atlas #99 - Grand Officers night
     March 1st - Morning Star #22 - Reception & Rose Pinning of RWAGM

  Grand Chapter Fundraisers & Get-Togethers
  Home Away From Home - Craft and Vendor Fair - May 10, 2025
Come join us at the Home Away from Home Craft and Vendor Fair on Saturday May 10, 2025 from 9am to 4pm (The fair is Rain or Shine)  at Crescent Shrine, Westhampton, NJ  Bring your Family and Friends.  For more information contact Stephanie Bowen or Cheryl Butler

See Attached Files

  Grand Chauffeurs Party - April 27, 2025 - 2pm
Reservations are being taken for the Chauffeurs Party scheduled for Sunday April 27, 2025 to be held at Crescent Shrine, Westampton at 2pm.  Cost is $25.00, and reservations are to be made with Jessica Walton.

Flyer to be attached....

  Paint Social - Saturday - April 5, 2025
Reserve your spot for the Paint Social on Saturday April 5, 2025.  Cost is $50.00 due by March 16th, 2025.  Checks to be payable to "Grand Chapter Voluntary Donations", and mailed to Jennifer Schiffrin.  For more information her email is: jschiffrin@yahoo.com

Update 2/2/25:  LOCATION has been changed. 

See new flyer attached
Revised - Paint Social Flyer - April 5th.pdf

  Karaoke Night - Battle of the Decades
Karaoke Night is scheduled for Saturday March 8th from 6pm to 9pm at Crescent Shrine,  Cost $20.  For reservations, please contact Jenifer Molinaro at jcmolinaro816@gmail.com

Flyer to be attached............

  Victorian Rose Tea - February 16, 2025
Save the date for the Victorian Rose Tea to be held at Musconetcong Lodge, Budd Lake at 2:00 pm.  Adults $25.00, Kids 10 & under $5.00.  Contact your District Chair or State Chairman Ruth Ann Hoyt for more information.
See Attached Flyer
Victorian Rose Tea.pdf

Upcoming Trip 2025-2026
  Woodloch - November 17th to 21st, 2025
4 Nights/12 meals (Monday Lunch through Friday Breakfast).
Cost: $775. per person double, $635 per peron triple, $940 per person single. 

There is something for everyone at this beautiful lakefront resort.  Activities Galor, over 30 scheduled each day.  See flyer for more information.

Make your reservations with Lynn Billingham.  Deposits will be accepted after May 1st, payable to "Grand Chapter Voluntary Donations".

See Attached Flyer

  Come join Sister MaryElaine and her mystery man
Bus Trip to Chicago from July 7th to July 12th, 2025, 6 days, 5 nights. Departs from Masonic Fellowship Hall parking lot.  Trip cost $835.00.  For more information please contact Diane Schmolze.  See flyer with more information.  

Chicago trip 2195267-7E05062000.pdf

Dec. 7, 2025 Spirit of Christmas - Sunday, December 7, 2025
Save the date - To be held at Clifton Masonic Lodge , tentative time 2:00 pm  More information to follow.

April 6th Star Fan Club - Sunday April 6th, 2025
information to follow

March 9th Loyal to the Royal Reunion - Sunday March 9th, 2025
To be held at Molly Pitcher Chapter on Sunday March 9, 2025.  Social 1:30pm, and Dinner at 2:30pm.  Cost $25.00 per person, dues $5.00. The dinner will be Molly Pitcher's famous meatloaf dinner.  RSVP by March 1st to Pam Lindson, and make checks payable to Pam Lindson. More information contact her at plindson@gmail.com

Flyer attached
Loyal 2 the Royal Reunion Flyer 2024.pdf

Good News and Health Announcements

Feb. 3rd Carole Moore, PGM, Tilden #59
Sister Carole is in the hospital.  Please keep her in your prayers.  Cards can be sent to her home.

Jan. 28th. Dawn Freney, GO, Dewey #155
Sister Dawn Freney is homebound with a broken kneecap. Her recovery time is 3-6 months. Those of us who know Dawn will understand "down time" is going to be VERY difficult for her. She would appreciate cards and prayers.

 Jan. 26th Blanche Jaggers, PGO, Williamstown #149
Update:  Sister Blanche is now home, and is resting.  Continue to keep her in your prayers.  Send cards to her home. 

Jan. 12th Kim Lorenc, GO, Stewart #166
Update: Sister Kim is now home, and is resting and improving each day.  Please keep Sister Kim and Brother David in your prayers.  Cards can be sent to her home.

Jan 12th Linda Thibault, PGO, Dewey #155
Sister Linda had eye surgery on Friday, and is home resting.  Cards can be sent to her home.


Feb. 2nd June Anderson, PGO, Haddonfield #140
 Sister June is the mother of Diana Anderson, Esq.   Sister June passed away on friday, January 31st.    Please keep her family in your prayers.   There will be no services. 

Dec. 16th Sister Wanda Carmen, PGO, Delaware #50
Sister Wanda passed away on Sunday December 15th.  As soon as information becomes available, it will be posted. 

Update:  Memorial Service on February 22nd at 11:00 am at Presbyterian Church, Belvidere, NJ


Grand Chapter Announcements
Please check with Sister Debbie LeDoux, WG Marshal if you lost or found any items. 

Update 1/22/25 - A pink turtleneck top was left in the ladies room the night of the Grand Floral in Mountain View Chapter.  If it belongs to you, please reach out to Sister Debbie, GR Marshal or Sister Jennifer, WM of Mt. View Chapter.

UPDATE - 6/18/24
From last year Debbie has a gray sweater, a bumble bee pin and a silver tag that has "Because I Love You" on it.

Found at Grand Session - reading glasses.

Found at the MWGM receiving one stud earring with crystals in the shape of a flower.   


 Now Available
Updated Grand Chapter Highlights Book - $25.33
A synopsis of NJ Eastern Star 1870-2020.  The Highlights Book has been published and is available for sale through the Grand Chapter Office.  The cost is $25.33 each, which includes postage.  Please make your check payable to "Grand Chapter OES of NJ" and mail to Grand Chapter Office, 111 Finderne Avenue, Bridgewater, NJ  08807-3101
  Proceedings available for 2018-2019 - Books $65.00, Flashdrives $8.00
Billingham/Billingham (2018-2019) - 2 Books & 2 Flashdrives

Proceedings available for 2022-2023 - Books $35.00, CD's $15.00
Wallace/Byrne (2022-2023) - 1 Book & 7 CD's available

Proceedings available - CDs $15

Capel/Parsons (2016-2017) - 11 CD's


Good News
  Shining Stars

2025-2026 MaryElaine Guynn, appointed Grand Officers - 2025-2026

Most Worthy Grand Patron - select - 
Worthy Grand Chaplain - 
Worthy Grand Marshal - 
Worthy Grand Adah - 
Worthy Grand Ruth - 
Worthy Grand Esther - 
Worthy Grand Martha - 
Worthy Grand Electa - 
Worthy Grand Organist - 
Worthy Grand Color Bearer - 
Worthy Grand Bearer for the Christian Flag - 
Worthy Grand Bearer for the Eastern Star Flag - 
Worthy Grand Soloist - 
Worthy Grand Warder - 
Worthy Grand Sentinel - 
Worthy Grand Fraternal Correspondent - 
Worthy Grand Private Secretary - 
Special Appointment - Prompter - 
Special Appointment -

WDD #31 - Pamela Barcelona, #98
WDD #33 - 
WDD #34 - 
WDD #35 - 
WDD #36 - 
WDD #37 - Rebecca "Becky" Martin Rosso, #201 
WDD #38 - 
WDD #39 - 

2024-2025 Sharon & Joe's appointed Grand Officers - 2024-2025

Sharon & Joe's Grand Representatives 2024-2025
2023-2024 Joanne & Jim's Grand Officers for 2023-2024

Joanne & Jim's Grand Representatives 2023-2024
2022-2023 Jeannette & Bernie's Grand Representatives - 2022-2023

Jeannette & Bernie's Grand Officers - 2022-2023
2021-2022 Daria & Bruce's Grand Officers - 2021-2022 

Daria & Bruce's Grand Representatives - 2021-2022

2019-2020 Norma & Dan's Grand Representatives - 2019-2021
2018-2019 Lynn & Ken's Grand Representatives - 2018-2019
Chapter & District Fundraisers & Notices
Mar 9th Molly Pitcher #198 - Famous Meat Loaf - $20.00
Is being presold and picked up is scheduled for March 9, 2025 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. 

Please see flyer.

Molly Pitcher Meatloaf Flyer
OES - MeatLoaf Flyer.pdf

Mar. 7th Bordentown Chapter #257 - Designer Bag Bingo
Come join Bordentown Chapter on March 7th at the Crescent Shrine.  Cost is $35.00.  Please see attached flyer for more information.

Flyer to be attached......

Feb. 2nd Morning Star Chapter #22 - 2nd Annual Pasta Dinner
On Sunday, February 22nd, come join Morning Star Chapter for their Annual Pasta Dinner.  All you can eat for $20.00 per person, Time 4-6:30pm

See Flyer Morning Star Chapter #22 2nd Annual Pasta Dinner.pdf

Oct. 19th Shekinah Chapter #82 - Luck of the Irish Shopping Spree Raffle - March 12, 2025


General Information

Charity Foundation News
Jan 13th, 2025 Charity Foundation Scholarship applications
Please note scholarship applications are to be returned by March 1st 2025 to Sister Dale Van Houten.  For additional information she can be reached at dvh.scholarship@gmail.com

Jan 21, 2023 Charity Foundation Life Skills Grant Application


CF flyer - Linda Penin.pdf.................

Dec. 2023 The OES Charity Foundation meeting will be held on March 5th, 2025 at 7pm. It will be virtual using the link provided by below.  To receive the meeting link please send an email no later than 6pm on the day of the meeting.

To receive the meeting link each month please send an email to:  oescharityfoundationnj@gmail.com

You may not know that being a Member of the Order also makes you a member of the Charity Foundation.  As members of the Eastern Star Charity Foundation, you are always invited to attend the monthly meetings held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7pm. 

As the time of the meeting approaches, you will receive the link/invite for the meeting from that email account (approximately 6pm).

Normally, these meetings take place in the Board Room of the OES Home.  Due to Covid-19 we have been meeting via Grand Chapter's WebEx account.  We invite you to attend these meetings from the comfort of your own home.

As the time of the meeting approaches, you will receive the link/invite for the meeting from that email account (approximately 6pm)

The Board holds an Executive Session prior to the public portion of the meeting.  Our Executive Session may run slightly over, so please do not be discouraged if you are asked to wait in the "waiting room" (or to log off) for a few minutes. 

Please request the meeting link monthly.

Jan. 27, 2023 THE Eastern Star Charity Foundation of New Jersey, Inc. -
"Rays of Caring Capital Campaign.  "Be a Ray of Light to our Sisters and Brothers in Need".  


OES Home News - website:  www.njeasternstarhome.com

It is imperative that every Chapter is represented at this meeting with a voting member (that being either your Delegate, Alternate(s),  Worthy Matron, Worthy Patron or Associate Matron).

Please let us know at your earliest possible convenience at
starbuck1332@comcast.net who will be representing your Chapter at the meeting.  If you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.  Thank you for your attention.

Registration will begin at 2:00 pm sharp. 

Fraternally, Jessica Walton, PGO
Secretary, Board of Directors.

Sept 17 Message from the President of the New Jersey Eastern Star Home Board

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Summer. I have been elected to serve as President of the Board of Directors of the New Jersey Eastern Star Home. I am very honored that the Board of Directors have placed its trust in me to lead them and look forward to serving
our Home for the upcoming year. No one person can do it alone and I am honored to have the members of the Board of Directors that are serving this year to keep our Home running smoothly and I thank them for their service to our residents and Home.

Delegates Meeting
Our Annual Meeting of the Delegates was held on Saturday, June 1, 2024, in the Chapel. I want to thank everyone who attended. It is important to keep the Chapters informed as to what is going on at our Home. At our re-organization meeting the following officers
were elected, Debbie LeDoux, GO, President; Judy Wood, GO, Vice President; Jessica Walton, GO, Secretary; Diane Schmolze, PGM, Assistant Secretary; Carole Moore, PGM, Treasurer; Cheryl Butler, GO, Assistant Treasurer. Elected to the Board for a three-year
term were Cheryl Butler, GO, Shirley Alcolea, Kim Lorenc, GO, and Katherine Robinson, GO. We welcome them to the Board and look forward to serving with them.

Home Day
Sister Sharon Rosequist, MWGM will be doing a Home Day this year. It will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025, at the Crescent Shrine. More information will be announced at a later date. I hope to see you all there.

Refresh and Renew Project
Nursing Unit A Refresh/Renew project has been completed. We are now focusing on Nursing Unit B and the Shower Room on that unit. We thank everyone who has donated to the Refresh/Renew Project. It is because of your generosity that this was possible. If
you would like to make a donation, please make your check payable to the “New Jersey Eastern Star Home, Inc.” put Refresh/Renew on the memo line, and mail it to Carole
Moore, PGM, Treasurer. All donations made to our Home are Tax Deductible.

Rehabilitation Unit
We have a state-of-the art Rehabilitation Unit and hope that you will consider our facility should you or someone you know need our services. They provide Physical therapy, Occupational therapy and Speech therapy. All inquiries should be made to Shelretha
LaSure at the ES Home.

We are now open for volunteers. The residents miss the BINGO games, arts and crafts, sing-alongs, the plays/Chapter meetings that some of the Districts used to do, etc. If you
would like to volunteer to run any of the above, please call Simone Rudich at the ES Home. The Board of Directors and the Home thank you for your dedication to the residents and our Home. Simone is always looking to help with getting the wheelchair residents to the Boutique and to the salon. If you are interested in helping, please contact her at the ES Home.

When planning for the future, you may not only be thinking about how to help your family, but also how you might benefit one or more charitable organizations. A charitable bequest
is one of the easiest gifts to make. You can create a bequest of any dollar amount. When you are preparing your will, please think about including our NJ Eastern Star Home.

Tree of Life
The Tree of Life has received some new leaves and rocks, make sure you check it out the next time you are at the Eastern Star Home. If you would like to have a leaf or rock added to the Tree of Life, you can obtain the form by calling the Eastern Star Home at
908-722-4140. The forms for Leaves and Rocks are also printed in the Star Journal. Leaves are $500 and rocks are $1000. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Home, I thank you for supporting this project.

Gown Boutiques
We are planning for a gown Boutique for September 21, 2024, at Atlas Chapter from 9am to 3pm. I want to thank the Home Board, the Elected Line and the many volunteers and the DeMolay Boys that are always there to help us. Where can you purchase a gown for $5, it’s a bargain, come to Atlas Chapter and check out the gowns, skirts, tops, tuxedos,
and shoes.

There are other opportunities for giving that will benefit our Home, besides those previously mentioned. You can contribute towards the Commemorative Gardens, which provides a beautifully landscaped outdoor space for our residents to enjoy. We have had
to make several repairs to the Commemorative Gardens this year. There are the Resident Welfare Funds for both our members and the general public residents. You can designate a donation for our Building Fund which helps maintain our facility. No matter where you chose to direct your donation, remember that the NJ Eastern Star Home is a 501c(3) Organization, and your donation is tax deductible. Please designate your choice on the memo line of your check, and mail it to Carole Moore, PGM, our treasurer.

Claire-Marie Scheffbuch Wing
Due to the generous donations received in the past from the Estate of Sister Claire-Marie, a wing of our facility will be dedicated in her name. The date of the dedication will be announced in the future. We are hoping to have the dedication around the end of
September. We are truly grateful to Sister Claire-Marie for everything that she has done for our Home.

We have had several employees receive awards this year. Dr. Dawn Giakas our Administrator was honored with the prestigious Excellence in Leadership award, bestowed by Leading Age New Jersey & Delaware during the 2024 Awards Program which illuminates the facility with her remarkable accomplishments. This accolade symbolizes not only Dr. Giakas’ personal triumph but also the collective celebration of NJESH’s transformative journey under her stewardship. Gus Guido has been unanimously chosen as a distinguished recipient of the Asia’s Golden Icon Award 2024.
The Asian’s Golden Icon Award recognizes individual achievers that have significant impact in the community or have shown excellence in their area of expertise. Nicholas Patullo jumped into a freezing river to rescue the occupants who were trapped in a car underwater. Nick received the Valor Award from the 200 Club of Somerset County for Bravery. I congratulate them on their awards and thank them for their dedication. There are articles in the Journal on the three of them.

In closing I want to thank all the employees who work at our Eastern Star Home for their dedication and support of our residents and Home. To all our members, thank you for your continued support to our residents and our home.

In Star Love,
Deborah Lynn LeDoux, GO

  Skilled Nursing Week

The following was done for Skilled Nursing week at the Home.
• Eastern Star Home gave out approximately 140 prizes to staff members of the facility, PT and Dietary.
• Prizes were given out for Bingo, Star Search and Guess the candy amount.
• Gave out prizes of appreciation to all staff. So, everyone received something.
• Held staff Bingo and Star Search, which was extremely well received by staff and included our residents as “star” holders.
• Each day was a different theme, “Wear Pink Day”, “Funky Hat Day”, etc.
• Lori made up goodie baskets for each unit to Enjoy on Sunday.
• Held an appreciation Breakfast on Monday morning for all staff.
• Tuesday, they had a Mary Kay representative with demo’s and give-a-ways.
• Ice Cream treats for staff on Wednesday.
• Reverend Johnson came in and did a “Blessing of the Hands” for staff.
• Had Chris Giakas Entertainment for our Sock Hop Lunch and he also played for patients and residents in Unit 2 and Sub-Acute, who thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
• Sodexo provided lunch on Thursday for our Sock Hop. Staff enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, onion rings, milk shakes and root beer floats.
• On Friday and Saturday, we had Pizza lunch for all staff.

Simone and Lori put their heads together to come up with different ideas for prizes and events for the employees. The Employees of the Home want to thank everyone who donated to the Skilled Nursing Week. Because of your generous donations we
were able to honor the employees.

  Nicholas Patullo Received the Valor Award

Nicholas Patullo, Director of EVS and Safety & Security, NJESH

On the afternoon of January 22, 2022, the Hillsborough Fire companies were dispatched to an area on South Branch River Road for a vehicle in the river with occupants trapped inside.

Arriving before the fire apparatus, Nick and 2 other firefighters were first on the scene and Nick jumped into the 30 degrees, freezing cold river, along with another firefighter and a police officer and accessed the situation and immediately began rescue operations. They forced open the driver’s side door and were able to get the lone occupant, an elderly female who was hanging upside down, still with her seatbelt on, removed from the vehicle. She was unconscious and immediately turned over to the EMT’s, who were able to revive her.

As a result of these quick and selfless actions of these men, the victim survived the accident. She just passed away in 2024, due to unrelated health issues.

Their actions, specifically placing the wellbeing of the victim above their own personal safety and operating in extreme conditions with no protective gear, underscore the duty and commitment of Nick and his fellow firefighters.

This selfless act of Nick’s shows the integrity and empathy that NJESH benefits from having this heroic employee working for us. He brings this spirit with him to work each and every day to the benefit of our residents, staff and visitors.

On May 15, 2024, Nick and the other emergency responders received a Valor Award from the 200 Club of Somerset County for their bravery. The Board commends Nick for his heroism.


New Jersey Eastern Star Home’s Director of Nursing, Agustin (Gus) T. Guido III, has been unanimously chosen as a distinguished recipient of Asia’s Golden Icon Award 2024. The Asia’s Golden Icon Award 2024 recognizes individual achievers that have significant impact in the community or have shown excellence in their area of expertise.

Gus is deserving of this award; he has been an avenue of change for the healthcare community. Gus has managed facilities with Traumatic Brain Injury, Ventilators, Sub-Acute Rehabilitation, and Long-Term Care. Since taking the role as Director of Nursing at New Jersey Eastern Star Home, Gus has led our team with no facility acquired COVID deaths for the past 4 years, his passion for education led to the facility’s 2 day staff education fair, that was highlighted and became an example on a national level, where he implemented fun and interactive ways for staff to learn about state required topics, such as Dementia, Fall Risk, Infection Control, and many other topics. Gus is a published author, and has been elected as the Vice President of the New Jersey Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care.

New Jersey Eastern Star Nursing and Rehabilitation Administration, staff, and colleges are proud to celebrate Gus’ achievement, as it is a positive reflection of the knowledge, and excellence in the healthcare field.

May 9, 2024

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well. First off, on behalf of the residents as well as myself we would like to thank everyone for their generous donations to contribute to our monthly boutique as well as our community.

Our monthly Boutique is a social event our residents are
always looking forward to attending. You are all truly
making a difference for the residents and community here at
New Jersey Eastern Star.

Here at New Jersey Eastern Star Home we aim to develop
various programs, that encourage and allow our residents to strive in growth and their personal capabilities and cater to their diverse interests. Thanks to your contributions, our residents have had the opportunity to create festive holiday decorations to display in their rooms and throughout our facility. Moreover, your donations have
enabled our residents to make and supply much-needed beds and blankets to our local animal shelter. These activities, exemplify just a fraction of the positive impact of your generosity. I am reaching out to see if you would be willing to help me spread the word around the community to see if anyone would be interested and willing to donate supplies to help enrich our seniors through programming and more as well as, to our monthly boutique.

Below is a list of items our residents have expressed interest in seeing at our next monthly boutique.

As always, any donations are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
Simone Rudich
Director of Activities
New Jersey Eastern Star Home
111 Finderne Ave Bridgewater, NJ 08807
908-722-4140 ext. 3527

Newsletter Article NJESH.pdf


OES Home - flyer.pdf


Becoming a resident_Flyer.pd



Delegates Alternates and Officers Election Report Form.docx